No Excuses

Scripture: Matthew 27:2-32, Mark 15:1-22, Luke 23:1-31, John 18:28-19:16

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn the Romans knew Jesus did not deserve to die, but finally gave in to the pressure from the Jewish leaders.
  • Students will learn Roman soldiers mocked and beat Jesus before he was nailed to the Cross.
  • Students will learn Jesus did not use the power he had to stop his sacrifice for our sins, even though he could have at any point in time.
  • Students will learn how to take responsibility for their actions.

Guiding Question: How can taking responsibility for our actions keep us from blaming others?

Materials: Cardstock, pencils, pens

Procedure: Review the story of Jesus and Pilate from the scriptures above. Remind the students that Jesus had the power to stop the abuse He was going through but did not because He knew He had a plan to fulfill and went through with it because He loves us. Emphasize that the Romans gave into pressure from others to kill Jesus even though they knew it was not the right decision. Explain that when Pilate wanted to wash his hands of his decision, he meant he would not take personal responsibility for his decision by blaming it on the people.

Explain to the students that they must take responsibility for their actions – both good and bad. It is not fair or godly to blame others for poor decisions we make and by taking responsibility, we can learn from our mistakes and have the chance to make things right, repent, etc. Give each students a piece of card stock. Have the students write on it all of the excuses kids their age give to get out of trouble for something they did. Have the students create a “banner” to place over paper that says “No Excuses!” and the verse Proverbs 28:13.

Additional Questions: How can students learn why it is important to take responsibility for their actions?
Supplemental Activity: Come up with a list of tricky situations children your students age may face where they could either choose to take responsibility or not. Split the students into two teams. After you read the situation, the first person to raise their hand and share what the right thing to do is gets a point. The student must share what the right choice is to make and why it is important.

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