
Lifelines – Teach One Reach OneScripture: Genesis 24

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will review the story of Isaac and Rebekah.
  • Students will learn Abraham sent his servant to find a wife for Isaac.
  • Students will learn Abraham’s servant asked God for a sign, so he would know whom to choose for Isaac.
  • Students will participate in an activity helping them understand how important it is to ask God and godly people for advice.

Guiding Question: Who should you ask for advice when you are faced with an important decision?

Materials: Large photos of people or sheets of paper (Each photo or sheet of paper should have one of the following words printed in large, bold letters on it:parent, sibling, friend, school teacher, Bible school teacher,minister, Elder, police person, neighbor, doctor) multiple sets of scenario cards (one set for each student or team of students)

Procedure: Review the story of Abraham focusing especially when he sent his servant to find a wife for Isaac. Explain the servant knew this errand given to him by Abraham was extremely important. Discuss how the servant turned to God to ask for a sign to help him choose the right woman for Isaac. Explain although it is important to ask God about everything, sometimes God puts godly and/or wise people in our lives to help us make godly choices. In games these people are sometimes called lifelines because they help someone who is not sure how to or is able to help himself/herself. Ask students to name some of the people from God might want us to seek advice when we have a decision or problem. Place the photos or papers with the words on them around the room. Divide students into pairs, teams or tell them they will work alone on this task. Give each a set of scenario cards. Tell them they are to read the cards and place them next to the person they would go to first for advice. If they think more than one person might give good advice, tell them to choose who they would probably ask first. Encourage them to be really truthful about their answers and not copy others or place cards where they think you want them to place them. After all of the cards have been placed, examine the results. Do the students see patterns? Are there scenarios where one big group chose one person and another big group chose someone else? If so, why did the groups have different answers? Remind students no matter which person or people they ask for advice, their first reaction should be to ask God for His help in making a wise choice.

Additional Questions:

  • In what ways does God sometimes use circumstances to help us know what He would like us to do?

Supplemental Activity: Have more advanced students interview various people in their family and at church. Encourage them to ask people how they have seen God use circumstances to help them make a godly choice when they had a decision to make. Have students compile their answers and analyze them. Do they see a pattern? How can they make sure the circumstances are a way God is communicating to them? Can they find other examples in the Bible of God using circumstances to help people know what He wanted them to do?

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