Scripture: Genesis 10-11
Learning Objectives:
- Students will review the story of the Tower of Babel
- Students will learn the people wanted to be equal to God
- Students will learn God expects us to always put Him first
Guiding Question: What are the things people put ahead of God today?
Materials: old magazines, scissors, glue sticks, art paper
Procedure: Review the story of the Tower of Babel. Discuss with students why God was upset the people wanted to be His equal. Ask students what types of things people today want to put ahead of God. Give students the art supplies. Have each create a collage using photos and words cut from the magazine. The college should show all of the many ways people put themselves/things before God in their lives.
Additional Question: Is it possible to re-write the story of the Tower of Babel substituting other people and things people put before God in their lives?
Supplemental Activity: Have students re-write the story of the Tower of Babel by substituting other people and things modern man puts before God in their lives.