Scripture: I Samuel 21-23
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn even though it was God’s Plan for him to be king, he had to wait many years and go through tough times before he became king.
- Students will learn even though God has plans for us we may still have periods of waiting and tough times.
- Students will learn God was still with David during those tough times and blessed him, just like God will be with Christians during our tough times.
Interesting Facts:
- Achish was a title for the rulers of Gath. It is thought they were related to the Greeks in some way.
- Priests would have been considered to be loyal to the king. By providing bread to the future king, the priests called their loyalty to Saul into question.
Bible Lesson
- coming soon!
Service Project
- Basic Literacy
- coming soon!
- Advanced Literacy
- coming soon!
- Basic Literacy
- coming soon!
- Advanced Literacy
- coming soon!
- coming soon!
- coming soon!
- coming soon!