Persuasive Speeches

Scripture: 2nd Samuel 13-19

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn when people don’t follow God’s commands, their lives often become full of bad choices and consequences.
  • Students will learn pride can cause people to make poor choices.
  • Students will learn pride often leads to disaster.
  • Students will learn how to give a persuasive speech.

Guiding Question: How can you persuade others?

Materials: Paper, pencils

Procedure: Review the story of Absalom from the scripture above. Ask students why pride could lead to negative consequences and how they should act instead of being prideful. Remind students that all their success comes from God and that pride takes away from God’s glory. Knowing that success comes from God and living a humble life leads us to make better choices and serve as a godly example to those around us.

Introduce the activity. Have the students write and give a persuasive speech after analyzing the things that were said to try to get the people to back Absalom as king. Have the students give their speech if time allows. 

Additional Questions: Why should other people want to be a Christian?

Supplemental Activity: Have the students create a 30 second advertisement for following God and becoming a Christian. Students can work in pairs or a group and share out to the class.

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