Christian Volunteer Challenges #16

Many of you are preparing celebrations for your Bible students who are transitioning to a new phase of their lives. Celebrations are a great way to create bonds between people. Here are this week’s social media challenges and our favorite link of the week to give you other ministry ideas and encouragement.

Monday: I learned recently that this statue was built to be taller than any visible church steeple to show that the government was superior to the Church (and God). Your Bible students probably haven’t built any statues, but they may have things they put above and before God in their lives. Helping them discover and destroy these modern idols will help them have a much stronger faith foundation.

Tuesday: Do your Bible students understand their life is their ministry? Their entire life? Vocational ministry was practiced by Paul, Aquila, Priscilla and others in the Bible, but was forgotten in modern times. Your students should view school, activities and jobs as places to be a light to the world – finding ways to reflect God’s love, serve others and share their faith daily. They may not know that unless you regularly discuss it in class, along with practical ways to do those things.

Wednesday: This salad seemed a lot more exciting because it was served in this fancy jar of steam. If it weren’t a good salad though, the fancy presentation wouldn’t help. There is Bible curriculum you can purchase that delivers all of the drama as the presentation of this salad. After that though, there is very little real content that helps children learn about God and what He wants from them and for them. Don’t get distracted by smoke and mirrors. Make sure there is enough content for kids to learn the things they so desperately need to know before choosing any curriculum.

Thursday: I doubt the Sunday School teachers in this church in the middle of nowhere ninety years ago knew they were teaching the Bible to a future President of the United States. You have no idea of the plans God has for the children or teens in your Bible class. Giving them the strongest possible faith foundation and helping them reach their godly potential will help them be ready spiritually for whatever God has planned for them.

Friday: My husband enjoys golf, so it was exciting for him to walk around St. Andrews – home at times to the British Open. Our brains are wired to connect memories to place. It’s one of the reasons God told the people to look at places and remember who He is and what He had done for them. Your Bible students may never travel to the places in the Bible. Showing them photos of places and recreating places for them to experience can help bridge that gap a bit and help them Remember.

Favorite Link of the Week: Bible Places is a website full of photos of Bible places and things in the Bible. Click on the “Sites” tab for free photos you can show students.

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