In the Future

Scripture: Daniel 7-12

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn God exists outside of time and knows what will happen in the future.
  • Students will learn God’s prophecies always come true.
  • Students will learn there have always been false prophets. Some or all of their prophecies do not come to pass.
  • Students will learn how to use future tense verbs.

Guiding Question: how are future tense verbs formed?

Materials: None needed

Procedure: Review the stories of Daniel’s dreams and visions found in chapters 7-12.  Perhaps the most interesting are those found in Daniel chapter 11. Explain to students God sent prophecies for his prophets like Daniel to share with the people. Sometimes, the prophecies were just things God wanted the people to remember from things they had already been taught. At times though, these prophecies foretold the future. Because God knows everything, He knows what will happen in the future. People today who claim to tell the future are often wrong, or just make lucky guesses. Usually what they say is so general people can believe the prophecy came true no matter what actually happens.

Begin the activity. Introduce the students to future tense verbs ( Have the students give a one or two minute talk about something in the future using future tense verbs to a partner. The partner will need to pick out the future tense verbs they use

Additional Questions: How do past and future tense verbs compare?

Supplemental Activity: Have the students play a matching game with past and future verbs. Make cards for the game with pairs of past and future verbs such as will run/ran, will go/went, etc.

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