Scripture: 1 Samuel 17
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn anything is possible if it is in God’s Plan.
- Students will learn God often uses people the world would consider unlikely to do special things for Him, perhaps to help us remember the power is God’s, not man’s.
- Students will learn it sometimes requires faith and bravery to do what God wants us to do.
- Students will create slingshots to understand how David took down Goliath.
Guiding Question: How can God use us for a bigger plan?
Materials: Scrap leather, leather lace, altoids tin, scissors, nails, board to hammer on, hammer, pencil, graph paper, ping pong balls or marshmallows
Procedure: Share the story of David and Goliath. Explain that in the story, David’s plan seemed impossible yet because it was part of God’s bigger plan, it was made possible. Nobody thought David would be able to handle Goliath but David did not give up. David had great faith in God that God would work in what He was being called to do. Emphasize how using a sling shot was a special talent that he would have developed protecting his sheep. God used this talent that He had developed in David to later defeat Goliath. Remind students that we need to have faith and be brave when God calls us to do things we are unsure of or do not understand.
Introduce the activity. Have the students make leather sling like David used in Bible . Then have the students take them outside for target practice – DO NOT use stones, use ping pong balls or marshmallows for safety.
Additional Questions: How can students apply their talents for God?
Supplemental Activity: Have students put on a talent show with showcasing various talents that they have and explain how they could be used for God.