David Becomes King

Scripture: 2 Samuel 1-5 and I Chronicles 10-11

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn God’s plans will happen in His timing, which may take longer than we would like.
  • Students will learn bad things may happen while we are waiting for God’s timing, but that does not mean God is not with us or that He is not in control.
  • Students will learn God does not want us to do sinful things in order to “speed up” His timing or in an effort to “help” God.

Interesting Facts:

  • It was common in ancient times to send out representatives of each army to fight each other. The winner of this smaller battle often determined the fate of the entire armies. It was an effort to prevent unnecessary deaths.
  • Recently, an ancient document from a king of Syria was found, mentioning the “House of David”. This confirms ancient rulers recognized David as an actual person who was a King. Previously, some scholars had tried to claim David was a fictional King Arthur type character.

Bible Lesson

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Service Project

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  • Basic Literacy
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  • Advanced Literacy
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  • Basic Literacy
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  • Advanced Literacy
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