
Scripture: 1 Samuel 21-23

Learning Objectives: 

  • Students will learn even though it was God’s Plan for him to be king, he had to wait many years and go through tough times before he became king.
  • Students will learn even though God has plans for us we may still have periods of waiting and tough times.
  • Students will learn God was still with David during those tough times and blessed him, just like God will be with Christians during our tough times.
  • Students will learn various action verbs.

Guiding Question: What are examples of action verbs in English?

Materials: None needed

Procedure: Review the story of David on the Run from the scriptures above. Remind the students that David had to leave quickly to get to a new safe place and was not able to take much with him. He had to trust that God would provide for him and God always did. When things are difficult for us or we do not feel well equipped to do something, we must always remember that God is with us and will provide what He knows we need. There are many people today who live in unsafe places and need to leave quickly. They may not always have time to take all of their things with them when they go to a shelter. The shelter is in place to keep them safe and provide them with their basic needs.

Introduce the activity. Explain that there were several actions that took place during the story such as running and walking. Tell students that words that show an action are called action verbs. Give and act out several examples: hopping, jumping, etc. Have the students take turns acting out a verb while other students have to try and guess the verb and then conjugate it.

Additional Questions: How can students display action verbs?

Supplemental Activity: Have students illustrate three different action verbs and then what the correct action verb that matches the picture.

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