Scripture: Acts 5:12-6:7
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn the Apostles continued to heal the sick and teach about Jesus.
- Students will learn God wants us to tell others about Jesus, even if it is against the law.
- Students will learn deacons are special helpers in the Church.
Guiding Question: How can students learn the deacons’ roles in the Church?
Materials: None needed
Procedure: Review the scriptures above about deacons. Remind students that apostles teaching about deacons was done along with teaching about Jesus. The apostles taught all around the world, even in places that were not safe because Christianity was not generally accepted there. The apostles talked about deacons because deacons are special helpers in the Church. Have the students share what they believe a special leader in the Church does. After students share, explain that deacons take care of the physical needs of the Church and take care of some of the planning that goes into different ministries and missions of the Church.
Introduce the activity. Have a panel of deacons in. The teacher can act as moderator and/or students can ask questions about deacons in general or the area in which each of them ministers. Be sure to have them share the ways other members help them serve others in their various areas.
Additional Questions: How can students learn from deacons?
Supplemental Activity: Have the students and deacons pair up to become pen pals. The students will write a letter to their deacon asking them about how they serve and the deacons respond.