Making Many Meals

Scripture: Acts 5:12-6:7

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn the Apostles continued to heal the sick and teach about Jesus.
  • Students will learn God wants us to tell others about Jesus, even if it is against the law.
  • Students will learn deacons are special helpers in the Church.
  • Students will participate in a service project that feeds a large group of people.

Guiding Question: How can we tell others about Jesus through serving them meals?

Materials: Article to feed large crowds (linked below in procedure), ingredients needed to prepare meal (students’ choice)

Procedure: Review the scriptures about Deacons listed above. Remind students that deacons were originally appointed to make sure the Greek widows were fed. This may have meant they would have to find and/or cook food for a large number of people. This provided a great opportunity for them to serve others in need while also being able to tell them about Jesus.

Explain that ministry sometimes requires us to be able to feed large groups of people. Read or give an overview of how to make various meals that will feed a large group of people. they have tips and recipes. Have the students pick a recipe and cook for a soup kitchen, mission team or ministry event to practice what they learn. Encourage the students to use this opportunity to reflect Jesus and share Him with those they serve.

Additional Questions: How can the church support ministries that feed large groups of people?

Supplemental Activity: Work with the students in partnering with a ministry that serves a large group of people. Have the students hold a donation drive in the congregation for a food ministry of their choice (this can be a ministry in the church or in the community).

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