Success From God

Scripture: Luke 15

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn that God is with them, even when we do not understand his plan.
  • Students will create a kit to spiritually prepare themselves for times when life is challenging.
  • Students will learn that our successes come from God’s blessings.

Guiding Question: How can students learn the importance of giving thanks to God and not ourselves?

Materials: None needed


Teach the story of David, Achish, and the Amalekites, focusing especially on the many challenges that David faced while waiting to become king. Remind students of the people that had opposed him and that it might have been difficult for David to have faith in God’s promise for his life. Have students raise their arms in the air like Moses did in the story. How long can they keep their arms in the air?

Divide the students in groups of three. Have them take turns playing the roles of Moses, Aaron and Hur. Was it easier to keep their arms in the air with help?  Point out that God was insistent that Joshua be told what had happened while he was fighting the battle. Why was it important for Joshua to hear the story about Moses having his arms in the air? How can we be reminded God is helping us in our lives and that our successes are God’s blessings not a reflection of how great we are?

Additional Questions: How can students reflect to see God’s blessing in their life?

Supplemental Activity: Have the students list recent successes they have had. After listing them, have the students work with a partner to determine how God had blessed them and led them to that success.

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