Scripture: Judges 6-8
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn when God asks us to do something He expects us to do it.
- Students will learn when God asks us to do something He will provide what we need to do it.
- Students will learn God may appear to give us less than what we think we need to complete the task in order to remind us that God is in control.
- Students will learn the importance of following written directions.
Guiding Question: How can students learn the importance of following written directions?
Materials: Written instructions for making paper airplanes, paper
Procedure: Review the story of Gideon, focusing on how God limited the number of men who were to go to battle. This was so that there would be no question that their victory was from God and not by human effort. Explain that this was done in order for the people to see that God is and always is fully in control. When God wants something to be done, He will always provide what we need and who we need to successfully accomplish what he calls us to. It is easy for us to want to be in control and have things go our way. We need to remember that God’s way is the best way and allow Him to have full control in our lives.
Introduce the activity. Review the first part of the story involved Gideon following a lot of specific instructions from God. Give the students the written instructions to create a paper airplane. Provide a variety of instructions so different students will be creating different paper airplanes. Have students follow the instructions. After students have made their airplanes, see which student’s airplane flies the farthest.
Additional Questions: How can students learn to write detailed instructions?
Supplemental Activity: Have the students create directions for making a peanut butter sandwich. Reiterate with students the importance of including specific and detailed steps/instructions to ensure the sandwich is made correctly.