Scripture: Genesis 22:1-19
Learning Objectives:
- Students will understand the necessity of building a strong foundation of faith.
- Students will learn that increasing Bible knowledge helps build their faith.
- Students will learn the importance of studying their Bible throughout their lives.
- Students will learn how to use the Bible to discover new facts.
Guiding Question: How does continually learning about God build a strong foundation of faith?
Materials: Treasure hunt clues
Procedure: Review the story of Abraham and Isaac. Explain to students that one reason Abraham was willing to obey God, was that he understood who God was. His faith in God was strong. Today we can build our strong faith foundation by learning about God.
Ask the students if they know the first thing that is usually built in a building. Allow students to answer and explain that perhaps the most important part of a building is the foundation. (Explain foundation for those who may not understand) A house needs a strong foundation so it doesn’t fall over just like our Christian life needs a strong foundation too. We can make our foundation stronger by reading and studying the Bible.
Tell the students that they are going to practice finding stories in the Bible. They are going to be divided into teams and go on a treasure hunt. To win the treasure hunt, they will need to find some things in the Bible and follow the clues properly.
Make two sets of clues heading the two teams in different directions. Make sure the teams have colors or numbers that they will need to find “their” envelope with the next clue when they reach the right spot. The prize is a Bible stories list with Psalm 119:103 printed at the top and a piece of candy taped to it. The winning team gets a second piece of candy.
Additional Questions: How can students develop a plan for reading their Bible more?
Supplemental Activity: Let students work together to create a plan for reading a chapter of the Bible. This can be broken down into a certain amount of verses or chapters a day.