Scripture: Genesis 25-26
Learning Objectives:
- Students will review the story of Jacob and Esau.
- Students will learn Jacob convinced Esau to give him his birthright by giving him some stew.
- Students will learn/review words used in the kitchen and for cooking, serving and eating food.
- Students will participate in an activity allowing them to practice using words needed in the kitchen for cooking, serving and eating food.
Guiding Question: What words are need to communicate properly in the kitchen and while cooking, serving and eating food?
Materials: lentil stew or the ingredients to make lentil stew, rustic whole grain bread, bowls and spoons, other items found or used in a kitchen
Procedure: Review the story of Jacob and Esau and the stew exchanged for the birthright. Explain that without electricity and natural gas, cooking was very different in the time of Jacob and Esau. Discuss the various ways the “kitchens” (technically there would not have been an actual kitchen as in modern houses, but more of an area where food was cooked). Teach/review food words, utensil words and other words needed in the kitchen to cook, serve and eat food. If students are older have them help prepare a meal of lentil stew and rustic bread. (Please use all safety rules.) For younger students or if you have facilities without a kitchen, have students prepare a meal which does not require cooking. As you work have students use words appropriately dealing with cooking, serving and eating food.
Additional Questions:
- What unusual words are sometimes needed for cooking that actually originated from a language other than English (Ex: sauté – French)?
Supplemental Activity: Have more advanced students research cooking terms and their languages of origin. Do they find these terms come from the same language or several different languages? What other patterns do they notice? Have them share their findings with the class, including the meanings of these less common cooking terms.