Scripture: Judges 13-15
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn God expects parents to prepare their children for serving Him.
- Students will learn when we focus on what we want – like money and power – instead of what God wants for us, it often leads to sin and consequences.
- Students will learn God expects us to practice self-control in how we live our lives.
- Students will learn how to identify homophones.
Guiding Question: What are homophones?
Materials: Homophone riddles (see below)
Procedure: Review the story of Samson emphasizing how his pride was evident by the riddles that he told. Sometimes pride can cause us to make our own decisions regardless of God, which has bad consequences. Pride leads us to become more focused on ourselves and our wants instead of God and what He has told us is best for us in life. Having self-control means that we do not allow what we want to get in the way of what is best for us. This allows us to live a life that God wants for us instead of making bad choices because we wanted something done our way and on our time.
Introduce the activity. Explain to students what a homophone is and provide examples such as sun/son and bear/bare. Tell the students they are going to learn more about homophones using riddles. Use the resources below to share the riddles with students and have them learn the correct spelling and use of the homophone in each riddle.
Additional Questions: How can students identify homophones?
Supplemental Activity: Have students create riddles with common homophones and have a partner solve the riddle.