Scripture: Genesis 31-33
Learning Objectives:
- Students will review the story of Jacob leaving and reuniting with Esau, focusing especially on the injury to Jacob’s hip.
- Students will learn many Jews still will not eat meat near the hip joint of animals.
- Students will learn exercises and stretches to keep their muscles strong and healthy.
- Students will participate in an activity to practice exercises and stretches to keep their muscles strong and healthy.
Guiding Question: What are some exercises and stretches we can do to keep our muscles strong and healthy?
Materials: none
Procedure: Review the story of Jacob leaving and reuniting with Esau, focusing especially on the injury to Jacob’s hip. Explain to the students that many Jews today still will not eat the meat near the hip bone of animals. It helps them remember the story and reminds them to stay close to God. Ask students to name some exercises and stretches. Have them identify what muscles could help. Have students develop an exercise routine that will strengthen their muscles (ex. Running, crunches, pushups, etc). Allow enough time for the class to do one of the exercise routines together.
Additional Questions:
- What exercises bulk up muscles and what exercises strengthen muscles without making them large?
Supplemental Activity: Have the more advanced students research muscle building exercises. Encourage them to develop a routine to strengthen the muscles of a football player who wants large muscles and for a dancer who wants strong and lean muscles.