Scripture: Joshua 5-6
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn that God expects us to obey Him, even if we don’t understand why he is asking us to do something.
- Students will learn God can make the impossible happen if it is in His will.
- Students will learn God keeps His promises.
- Students will create earthquake preparedness kits for churches in areas frequented by earthquakes.
Guiding Question: How can students support those who could be affected by earthquakes?
Materials: First aid items, work gloves, heavy work socks, LED candles, plastic sheeting, blankets, flashlights, batteries, silicone rescue tape or other heavy duty tapes like duct tape, battery powered radio and charging units
Procedure: Review the story of Jericho focusing on how the Israelites had to trust God even though they did not understand why they had to march around the wall. This happens with us today. God’s Word might instruct you to do things that you do not want to do and you do not understand why you have to do it, but we must trust that God knows best. In the end it will be good.
Introduce the activity. Explain that although the walls of Jericho fell because of God’s miracle earthquakes can cause similar damage. Have students assemble earthquake preparedness kits they can ship to churches in areas where earthquakes are common. Some possible items to include: first aid items, work gloves, heavy work socks, LED candles, plastic sheeting, blankets, flashlights, batteries, silicone rescue tape or other heavy duty tapes like duct tape, battery powered radio and charging units, etc.
Additional Questions: How can students teach others to stay safe during earthquakes?
Supplemental Activity: Have students research safety tips for dealing with earthquakes. After researching, have the students create a brochure or flyer to teach others about how to stay safe and prepare for earthquakes.