Scripture: Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, Luke 8:22-25
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn Jesus is watching over us even if it seems he is “asleep”.
- Students will learn Jesus wants us to have faith and trust in him.
- Students will learn nothing is impossible for God if it is His will.
- Students will recreate the storm the apostles were in.
Guiding Question: How is God there for us in the impossible?
Materials: Large bucket or baby pool, water, props for recreating the storm
Procedure: Share the story of Jesus Calms the Storm from the scriptures above. Emphasize that Jesus is always watching over us no matter what, just as He was watching over those on the boat. Even though the storm felt impossible for them, Jesus calmed the storm because He can do the “impossible” if is His will. Jesus can do the same in your life. When things feel impossible, it is important to always turn to God and rely on Him because if it is in His will, He will make the impossible possible. Ask the students to share times when something has felt impossible and they had to rely on God to get through it. Explain that God is constantly watching over us, even if it seems like we don’t hear from Him or understand Him.
After reviewing the story, explain to the students that they are going to recreate the storm so they can better understand how the apostles might have felt. Use a large bucket or small baby pool and fill with water. Then have the students help recreate the storm, making storm sounds, turning off the lights, making waves, etc. If you have the resources, you can have students in a real rowboat inside, where you can recreate the sounds and feelings without putting students in danger. Talk about how they may have felt in that situation and if it would have been difficult for them to have faith that everything would be alright.
Additional Questions: How can students show how to lean on God during difficulties in life?
Supplemental Activity: Have the students pair up or work in small groups. Have them recreate situations in life where they may be worried or scared and model how to rely on Jesus during those situations.