Scripture: 2 Kings 11-12, 2 Chronicles 23-24
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn godly leaders can point people who had rejected God back to worshipping and obeying God.
- Students will learn it is important to heed the advice of godly people.
- Students will learn it is important to worship and obey God for our entire lives.
- Students will practice converting days, weeks, month, and years using a calendar.
Guiding Question: What can we do to prevent ourselves from moving farther from God?
Materials: Printed calendars
Procedure: Review the story of Joash from the scriptures above. Remind students that Joash was godly as long as Jehoiada was alive. He didn’t make his faith his own though so when Jehoiada died, Joash gradually moved farther and farther from God. Explain to the students that it is important to have their own faith so that they can learn from God, worship God, and experience a personal relationship with God. Growing in faith can be supported by seeking advice from godly people who can help you based on their own experiences.
Introduce the activity. Explain that the students are going to practice converting days, weeks, months, and years. For example: If Sammy is 72 months old, how old is he in years? Model how to solve the problem and use a printed calendar as you model. Provide more modeling if needed and then give students problems to solve with their own printed out calendars.
-Leslie is 5 years old. How many months old is she?
-Jacob is 9 years old. How many weeks old is he?
-School is 10 months long. How many days long is school?
Additional Questions: How can students create calendar problems to challenge others?
Supplemental Activity: Have students create a list of 5 dates and questions similar to the ones given in the original activity. Have the students share their questions with another student to solve on their calendar.