Order Up!

Scripture: Matthew 26:20-25, Mark 14:17-21, Luke 22:14-38, John 13:1-14:31

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will review the story of Jesus’ Last Supper and the importance of respecting those who serve.
  • Students will learn vocabulary and phrases related to ordering a meal at a restaurant.
  • Students will participate in a role-playing activity to simulate ordering at a restaurant.

Guiding Question: What English words and phrases help us order food at a restaurant?

Materials: Small table and chair to role-play being served at a restaurant, food or play food (see note at the end of the procedures), an index card for each student, pencils/pens/markers, white board or large paper to write on so that all students can see

Procedure: Review the story of Jesus’ Last Supper. Focus especially on how Jesus showed characteristics of a servant and was respected by his disciples. Discuss that washing feet and serving food are humble acts. Explain to students the importance of being respectful to those who serve them food. This is especially important when ordering in a restaurant.

Review phrases that are commonly used to order food. Write them on a board for student to see.
• I would like to order the ________________.
• How much does the __________cost?
• May I have some more_______?
• Restaurant
• Café
• Bill
• Receipt
• Plate
• Fork
• Spoon
• Bowl
• knife
• Glass
• Appetizer
• Dessert
• Entrée
• Salad
• Waiter/ Waitress
• Host/Hostess

Give students index cards small enough to fit in a wallet or purse. Have students write the phrases on a card so that they can have an easy reference. They can use this for the role playing game and also take it home to use when they are out with their family.

If possible, create a menu with 3-5 choices of common dinner options. Keep the options very basic and provide a picture beside each one. (Examples: hamburger, chicken, pasta, sandwich). Do the same with drinks (water, tea, milk, juice).

Then assign students into small groups of 2-3. One student will be the waiter/waitress. The other will be the customer. Lead students in a role-playing scenario. The waiter will come and the customer will order the meal.

Explain the concept of tipping 10%. If time allows, and it is applicable to your student audience, teach them how to find 10% of a bill by moving the decimal to the left by one place value.

Note: There are many ways to alter this activity to suit your available resources. Students can actually create a meal and serve it. Another option would be to have small snack items that they order such as trail mix, crackers, cookies, etc. Play food could be used instead of real food. If none of these are available, simply let students use their imaginations.

Additional Questions:

  • How should we treat servers at a restaurant?
  • How are the expectations of eating at a sit-down restaurant different than at a fast food place?
  • What other words would you like to learn to help you order food?

Supplemental Activities:

  • Students can make the menus themselves. This saves you time and is more experiential for them. Provide students with paper, markers and food magazines/pictures (optional). Students can draw or cut out the images to make their own menu that they can role-play the scenarios with.
  • Take students out to eat at a casual restaurant so that they can practice their new English terminology.

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