Scripture: Numbers 12
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn that pride can cause even godly people to sin.
- Students will learn that God wants His people to be humble.
- Students will learn that God expects people to respect His prophets.
- Students will learn how to express happiness for others.
Guiding Question: How can others in our lives be celebrated for what they have done and their accomplishments?
Materials: Construction paper, cards, drawing utensils
Procedure: Review the story of the conflict between Miriam, Aaron and Moses. Explain that it can be easy to get jealous of siblings and close friends (kids without siblings should think about their closest friends). Explain that God has never said He would give gifts evenly to people. There are a lot of different reasons for that, but He does give everybody the most important gift…the chance to become a Christian, etc. Encourage students to celebrate the good things that happen to their siblings and close friends including being really good at certain things.
Introduce the service project. Have students make a celebration banner, poster or card for their sibling or friend celebrating all of the good things he or she has.
Additional Questions: How can students show gratitude toward their family?
Supplemental Activity: Have students create thank you cards for their family members to celebrate them, what they have, and what the family member has done for them.