Watch for the Warnings

Scripture: 2 Kings 15:8-31, Micah, Hosea

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn God expects us to obey Him.
  • Students will learn God sent prophets to warn people to repent or suffer earthly consequences.
  • Students will learn today God uses the Bible and godly people to help remind us to repent and follow God.

Guiding Question: What warning signs has God given us?

Materials: poster board or cardstock, markers

Procedure: Tell students some of the stories of the evil kings of Israel written in the chapters listed above (being careful not to overwhelm younger children with any graphic details.)

Explain that Micah and Hosea were prophets sent by God to warn the people to stop disobeying God. They warned the people that God would punish those who didn’t obey Him. For those who repented of their sins though, God would forgive them.  For older students, you may want to review why God was so angry with the people at this point in time.

Explain to students that God wants us to obey Him, just like He wanted the people in the Old Testament to obey Him.  Help them begin to understand that when we disobey God, there are consequences. Sometimes, those consequences happen here on Earth. God will forgive those who repent of their sins; but they still may have to suffer the earthly consequences of their sins. It may help students understand this concept in the framework of what happens when they disobey their parents. Their parents forgive them for disobeying them, but students may still have a consequence to help them remember not to make that same choice again.

Tell students God sent prophets throughout the Bible to remind people what God wanted them to do and what would happen if they disobeyed God. Today, God gives us the Bible and other Christians to help remind us of what God wants us to do.

Explain that sometimes we are like the people in the Bible and forget what God wants us to do. It can help to remind us of what God wants us to do. Give students the materials for their warning signs.

Tell them they will be making warning signs for themselves. They can be specific or general. (“Remember to always tell the truth.” Or “Remember to always obey God.”) They may want to find a Bible verse that goes with their warning sign. Encourage them to decorate it so they will notice it and pay attention to its warning. (If you prefer, you can have them make multiple smaller warning signs that are smaller and could fit in a purse or pocket, to make them easier to carry around with them.)

Note: Younger students may want to draw illustrations to remind them of their warning. Adults can add any words they may want on their sign.

If time allows, students can share their finished warning signs with the class. Encourage them to place their signs in their room at home to remind them of the godly choices they need to make.

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