More Parables

Scripture: Matthew 21:20-46, Mark 11:20-12:12, Luke 20:1-19

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn Jesus taught in parables to help the people understand godly principles.
  • Students will learn God knew many of His Chosen People would reject Jesus as the Messiah, especially the leaders. Other Jewish people followed Jesus. A few were leaders (Nicodemus for example) but many were those rejected by the religious leaders of the time as not being “good enough” for God.
  • Students will learn God’s Plan was always for everyone to have the opportunity to become a Christian, not just the Jewish people.

Interesting Facts:

  • A watchtower was used to make sure no one was stealing the grapes or harming them in some way.
  • A winepress was used to make juice out of the grapes that were picked in the vineyard. The grapes would be placed in a large tub which then had a narrow tube running to another tub. The grapes would be placed in the first tub and stomped by foot to extract the juice. The juice would flow through the tube to the second tub leaving the grape peels, etc. in the original tub.

Bible Lesson


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Service Project

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  • Basic Literacy
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  • Advanced Literacy
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  • Basic Literacy
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  • Advanced Literacy
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