Scripture: Deuteronomy 32-34
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn that God gives us godly leaders to remind us to follow God.
- Students will learn that leaders are human and sin.
- Students will learn that even though leaders may sin, God still wants us to listen when they tell us to follow Him.
- Students will share what they have learned about God with younger students.
Guiding Question: How can information about God be shared with others?
Materials: Blank books, drawing utensils
Procedure: Review with the students the story of Moses’ goodbye to the Israelites. Point out that although Moses had sinned and would not be allowed to enter the Promised Land, he still encouraged the Israelites to follow God. Moses was giving words of wisdom to people younger than him. He wanted to remind them of some of the things He thought were most important about God and serving God.
Introduce the activity. Have students create picture books for younger children telling them some of the things they think are important that the younger kids know about God. For struggling students, it may be necessary to work together as a class to think of some important things and then have students create their books.
Additional Questions: How can students share their life experiences with younger students?
Supplemental Activity: Have the students create a video for younger students focused on what they have learned about God and important information about God.