Scripture: 1 Kings 21
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn it is wrong to covet things belonging to another person.
- Students will learn God expects us to be godly in the ways we treat other people – even in business dealings.
- Students will learn there may be earthly consequences for disobeying God.
- Students will play a game where they learn to put others first.
Guiding Question: Why should we treat others the way we want to be treated?
Materials: Board game of your choice (linked in procedure)
Procedure: Review the story of Naboth’s Vineyard from the scriptures above. Remind the students that Ahab cheated Naboth out of his vineyard and that Ahab treated Naboth in an ungodly way. Explain that many people today try to treat people in order to get material items from there or money from them. Sometimes they can be so sneaky that people do not even notice they are being tricked. This is not how God wants people to treat others and can lead to negative earthly consequences. God wants us to treat others how we would want to be treated and putting others first shows the godly trait of selflessness.
Introduce the activity. Have students play any Bible board game – particularly one where one must put oneself before others in order to win. At the end, declare the winner to actually be the person who was being the most kind, helpful, encouraging etc. while playing. Talk about why the world’s way of putting yourself first is not God’s way and why.
Board Games: Amazon
Additional Questions: How can students how others in their community kindness?
Supplemental Activity: Have students come up with Random Acts of Kindness that they can show their family members, friends, and people in their church.