Paul and Silas

Scripture: Acts 15:40-17:15

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn Paul and Silas had a younger member in their missionary team named Timothy.
  • Students will learn sharing the news about Jesus sometimes meant Paul and Silas were thrown in prison or had other negative consequences from people who did not want to obey God..
  • Students will learn God may use circumstances and people to show them places to travel and move to share the good news about Jesus with others.

Interesting Facts:

  • Lydia’s name might not have actually have been Lydia. Women from the town of Lydia were often referred to as Lydia.
  • If a prisoner escaped, the guard was put to death. Suicide might have been considered an easier way out than a possibly more tortuous death at the hands of the Romans.

Bible Lesson


Service Project


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  • Basic Literacy
    • coming soon!
  • Advanced Literacy
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  • Basic Literacy
    • coming soon!
  • Advanced Literacy
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