Scripture: Acts 20:1-21:26
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn Paul traveled to many countries to teach about Jesus.
- Students will learn Paul continued to preach about Jesus even though he was in danger most of the time.
- Students will learn God wants them to share their faith wherever He sends them, even if it is difficult or scary.
- Students will learn the experiences of missionaries.
Guiding Question: How can students learn what the experience of a missionary is like?
Materials: None needed
Procedure: Review the story of Paul’s Missionary Journey. Remind students that throughout this journey, Paul traveled to many countries so that He could share Jesus with the people there. During his travels, Paul faced dangerous situations where sharing His faith may have caused Him harm or to be put in jail. Even in danger, Paul still shared His faith because He knew that was what God wanted him to do and trusted God would keep Him safe because He was being obedient. Explain that God wants his name spread all over the world so people can come to know Him. He relies on Christians to share the message and may call us to travel to new and unfamiliar places to do so. Even if it seems scary, it’s important to obey God so you can serve Him and make His name known.
Have people who serve as missionaries here or in other countries come in and share with students their experiences as a missionary. If time allows, encourage them to bring foods and other cultural items to share and a service project students can complete to help them in their ministry.
Additional Questions: How can students learn what goes into being a missionary?
Supplemental Activity: Have missionaries in your congregation who are planning their next trip come in and allow the students to help them build their timeline and plans. As the students work with them, the missionaries can explain the many aspects of being a missionary and the depth of planning involved.