Persevering Through Problems

Scripture: Acts 27-Acts 28:10

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn the story of Paul’s shipwreck.
  • Students will learn that sometimes missionaries can run into problems that can be discouraging.
  • Students will learn to rely on prayer during times of difficulty.
  • Students will learn that each of has a special way we serve as missionaries for God and not to get distracted from God’s plan because of life’s problems

Guiding Question: How does God want us to handle life’s problems?

Materials: outdoor fire (pretend fire if indoors-red, orange, yellow tissue paper), 1st century clothing, pretend snake, materials for stepping stones

Procedure: Have the students put on play from the Paul’s Shipwreck script. Discuss with the students how bad things can happen in life just like what happened to Paul. Things can happen that seem bad or discouraging but this does not mean God does not love us or does not want us to keep sharing His Word. Sometimes, Satan tries to trick us into not teaching about God by discouraging us. He wants us to think about our problems rather than thinking about how to serve God no matter what. Explain that God wants us to deal with problems by praying to Him for help. We can face our problems knowing God is always with is.

Introduce the students to the idea of helping to encourage others who are discouraged by life’s problems. The students will make encouragement stepping stones (these can be used to put around the church or to give to those going through a tough time in the congregation). The stones should have pictures or words that will remind people to turn to God when they have a problem.

Additional Questions:

  • How can the students be encouraged to pray about life’s daily problems?

Supplemental Activity: Have students create a prayer journal or prayer box that will encourage them to bring their problem to God through prayer.

*insert script

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