Scripture: Matthew 28:2-15, Mark 16:1-14, Luke 24:1-44, John 20:2-21:24
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn God raised Jesus from the dead on Sunday.
- Students will learn many people saw Jesus after he was raised from the dead.
- Students will learn people touched Jesus and ate with him after he was raised, showing he was raised and not some sort of ghost or spirit.
- Students will learn how to retell the story of Jesus.
Guiding Question: How can students learn to share and retell the story of Jesus?
Materials: six stones per child, paint, paint markers
Procedure: Review the story of the Resurrection for the scriptures above. Review how Jesus helped others believe that He had been resurrected by talking with them, eating meals with them, etc. Explain that this was important so more and more people would go on to share the good news of Jesus. God wants us to also share the news of Jesus and how He has been faithful to us. Ask the students why it might be hard or scary to share their faith with others. Explain that the more practice they have sharing their faith, the easier it will become to do.
Introduce the activity. Tell the students they are going to make story stones. Give each student about six stones. Have them paint a symbol on each rock that when placed in order will help them remember the story of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. Have students practice sharing their faith by using the stones to help them remember the details of the story – some examples- cross, tomb, sun, clouds, etc.
Additional Questions: How can students prepare to tell the story of Jesus?
Supplemental Activity: Have the students come up with scenarios where they can tell others about Jesus. For each scenario, the students will come up with ways to start sharing Jesus with that person.