Say Good-bye to Salt

Scripture: Matthew 5:13-18

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn the importance of salt and light in our world.
  • Students will learn why God wants His people to be salt and light.
  • Students will learn ways they can be salt and light in their worlds.
  • Students will learn how to remove salt from water using evaporation.

Guiding Question: How do our actions and words reflect God in the world around us?

Materials: Stove top, pot, water, salt, black construction paper, spoon


Procedure: Review the Salt and Light story. Remind students that God wants us to be salt and light to others to help them know God and grow in Him. Ask students how they think they could be salt and light in school, after school activities, running errands, etc. Allow students to share and also give examples of when they have been salt and light to others before. Explain that God often places people/opportunities in our life to be salt and light to and we need to be aware and open to what God brings in our life. Explain that our words and our actions reflect God to others and we should have a Godly attitude with those we interact with.

Introduce the science experiment. Using the instruction in the Materials above, have the students try to remove the salt from salt water using evaporation. Have the students collect data during the experiment such as how long does it take and what materials were used. Have the students hypothesize how they could speed up the process and then experiment based on their hypothesis. Compare results at the end.

Additional Questions: How can students make a fountain of light?

Supplemental Activity: Have the students predict how they could make a fountain of light. Have students write down their predictions and then introduce/complete the activity:

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