Scripture: Acts 8:1-40, Matthew 28:16-20
Learning Objectives:
- Students will review the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch.
- Students will learn what is important to share to help people learn about God.
- Students will learn what it means to share God to others.
- Students will learn how to complete a service project and the importance of mission efforts.
Guiding Question: What are some practical ways to serve others that will encourage them to listen to what you want to share about God?
Materials: Clear cellophane bags, twist ties, small toiletries: shampoo, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, hand sanitizer, lotion
Procedure: Review the story of Philip and how the Ethiopian Eunuch came to be saved. Explain to students that when the story took place, missionaries often completed mission trips by themselves. Those who served as missionaries were usually only adults. Now, missions has evolved to include adults, teens, and children. Churches can have up to several missions happening at the same time.
Introduce the students to a member of the church involved in a short-term missions group. Have the mission team member explain what a typical day looks like during mission trips and what preparation has to be done prior to the trip. If possible, have the team member bring in video, photos, music, souvenirs, food, etc. from prior mission trips to help the students relate to the culture. Afterwards, have the students pack toiletry bags for the team member to give to those they serve. If needed, substitute this activity for an activity that best meets the needs of the mission team the students are helping.
Additional Questions:
- What other needs do the missionaries in our congregation have that we could provide for them?
Supplemental Activity: Allow students who want to help other short-term mission teams speak with those on the teams to find out what their needs are at the moment. Students can work together to create a service project that will meet those needs.