Note Taking 101

Scripture: Exodus 19

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will review the ten commandments and how they were given lovingly by God to protect us.
  • Students will learn how to take notes.

Guiding Question: How can students learn proper note taking?

Materials: Paper, pencils

Procedure: Review the story of Moses on Mt. Sinai focusing on the Ten Commandments. Emphasize that even though it seems like a long list of things that we cannot do, it is actually a blessing because it protects us. It also leaves a very long list of things that we can do. It would be worse if there were only ten things that we could do! Explain how the commandments are meant to protect us and provide any real life examples you have that you have experienced to help make connections to real life.

Introduce the activity. Teach the students basic note taking skills. Tell the story of Moses on Mt. Sinai showing them how to take notes as you tell it. Give students additional practice in taking notes as you speak.

Additional Questions: How can students practice taking notes?

Supplemental Activity: Have the students get into pairs. One student will read a passage from the Bible while the other takes notes on what the student is reading aloud. After reading the passage, the students will look at the notes to see how much of the story was captured in notes. Students can give feedback and switch roles.

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