What Can You Recall?

Scripture: Exodus 19

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will review the ten commandments and how they were given lovingly by God to protect us.
  • Students will learn how to listen well and recall details.

Guiding Question: How can students learn to recall details?

Materials: None needed

Procedure: Review the story of Moses on Mt. Sinai focusing on the Ten Commandments. Emphasize that even though it seems like a long list of things that we cannot do, it is actually a blessing because it protects us. It also leaves a very long list of things that we can do. It would be worse if there were only ten things that we could do!

Introduce the activity. Have the students listen carefully as you tell the story. How many details can they remember by listening carefully? Have the students practice telling stories to each other and the other person must recall as many details as possible.

Additional Questions: How can writing help students remember key details?

Supplemental Activity: Have the students listen to an audio story from the Bible. Have the students write down key details and see how much of the story they are able to retell.

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