Scripture: Numbers 13-14
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn God expects us to trust that he knows what is best for us.
- Students will learn God expects us to trust He will keep His promises to us.
- Students will learn God will reward those who have faith in him and ultimately punish those who do not.
- Students will learn about the culture of Canaan.
Guiding Question: How can students learn about the culture of Canaan?
Materials: Will vary depending on what you choose, use links in Procedure section
Procedure: Review the story of the spies exploring Canaan. Ask the students why Joshua and Caleb felt differently from the other spies. Explain that Joshua and Caleb had courage because they trusted in God. Ask the students what makes them afraid. Have them share what they do when they are scared. Ask what they can do to ask God for support when they are worried about things. Remind students that God wants them to come to Him when they worry so that He can provide them peace and give them direction.
Introduce the activity. Expose the students to the culture, geography, foods, clothing etc. of Canaan and later Israel. Have the students share: What things did the two cultures have in common? What were some of their differences? If possible bring in photos, foods, music etc.
Examples of items to bring in/show pictures of:
Additional Questions: How does our culture compare to culture in Bible times?
Supplemental Activity: Have the students compare today’s culture with the culture of Canaan and later Israel. What is the same and what is different? Why do you think certain aspects are different?