Scripture: Acts 6:8-7:60
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn Stephen preached to the people about Jesus, even though it made them very angry.
- Students will learn Stephen was the first Christian killed for being a Christian.
- Students will learn God wants us to be as brave as Stephen about sharing our faith.
- Students will create a prayer campaign in their church for Christians who are persecuted for their faith.
Guiding Question: How can God use our prayers to provide courage for others?
Materials: Computers for research, other materials will vary depending on the campaign you and the students choose to create
Procedure: Review the story of Stephen from the scriptures above. Explain how the story of Stephen is used as an example of how God wants us to be brave in sharing our faith. Ask the students how they would have felt if they were Stephen and if it would have been as easy for them to share their faith. Have students share places they might feel scared or worried to share their faith. Then explain why it is important to share our faith even in those places.
Have students research modern Christians who are thrown in jail or persecuted in other ways for their faith. Have the students create a prayer campaign in their congregation for those in prison for being a Christian and for courage for those who are in countries where they risk persecution for sharing their faith. Explain to the students how God can use the prayer of prayer to give all of us courage in difficult times and to help those in prison.
Additional Questions: How can students use prayer to uplift those in the church?
Supplemental Activity: Have students partner with another member of the congregation. (This could be a teen or adult) Have the student and their prayer partner share how they need encouragement and what they need prayer for. Have the pair commit to praying for the other and their requests each week.