Key Scriptures: Proverbs 14:15, 1:22, 4:32, 22:3, 27:12, 21:24, 14:6, 9:7-8, 13:1, 15:12, 1:7, 15:5, 29:9, 15:21, 1:22, 12:15, 18:2, 14:9, 15:2, 13:16, 14:3, 18:13, 29:20, 10:8-10, 10:18, 17:7, 12:16, 14:29, 17:28, 29:11, 27:3, 28:26, 26:12, 30:32-33, 10:1, 15:20, 17:21-25, 21:20, 29:3, 14:24, 19:10, 26:1-12
Guiding Question: What are the characteristics of a foolish person?
Optional Introductory Activity: Show students cartoons or clips from television shows or movies that make someone appear to be foolish in the “silly” (Amelia Bedelia) sense of the word. Have students share what the world considers foolish – either in humor or in condescension.
Lesson: (Questions to students are in bold italics.) What are some characteristics of foolish people? What characteristics would God consider foolish? Record student responses where everyone can see them. Have students read the scriptures in each of the following categories and ask them what characteristic is represented or mentioned in those verses. Add any new characteristics discovered in the scriptures to your list.
- They are simple: Proverbs 14:15, 1:22, 4:32, 22:3 (Note: Simple in this case means someone who does not look beyond the immediately obvious – in some ways very much like Amelia Bedelia.)
- They make fun of wise choices and asking advice from older, wiser people: Proverbs 21:24, 14:6, 9:7-8, 13:1, 15:12
- They refuse to learn wisdom from God or others Proverbs 1:7, 15:5, 29:9, 15:21, 1:22, 12:15, 18:2, 14:9
- They can’t control their mouths: Proverbs 15:2, 14:3, 13:16, 29:20, 18:13, 10:8-10, 17:7, 10:18
- They are proud: Proverbs 26:12, 28:26, 30:32-33
- They have a hot temper: Proverbs 12:16, 14:29, 17:28, 29:11, 27:3
- They handle money poorly: Proverbs 21:20, 29:3, 14:24, 19:10
- They create problems: Proverbs 10:1, 15:20, 17:21-25
- They can’t handle responsibility: Proverbs 26:1-12
What things listed in Proverbs surprised you? Is there anything else you would add to the list? With which things on the list do you struggle? What are some practical things you can do to help break any foolish habits you may have? What consequences do foolish people suffer that wise people may be able to avoid? How do the choices of foolish people sometimes cause consequences in the lives of others? Why does God counsel us to avoid having foolish people for friends?
Application Challenge: Continue reading a chapter of Proverbs each day. Find one verse each day that reminds you of something you need to improve or remember in your own life? Put each verse you choose into practice in your life during the week.
Author: Thereasa Winnett