Scripture: Exodus 7-10
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn that God is the only God.
- Students will learn God used the ten plagues in part to show the Egyptians their gods were false.
- Students will learn God used the ten plagues in part to show us and the Israelites He is ruler of everything.
- Students will learn how to write base powers.
Guiding Question: How do choices result in positive and negative consequences?
Materials: Several papers with numbers 1 and 0
Procedure: Review the story of the Ten Plagues. Specifically focus on how the plagues were consequences for the actions of the Egyptians. Explain how the plagues were God’s way of showing that there are consequences for negative actions and disobedience to God. Explain that all the choices we make have positive or negative consequences. God specifically lays out guidelines for the choices we make so that can enjoy life and not have to suffer from negative consequences that may affect us immediately or later on in life.
Introduce the activity. Explain to students that in math, base powers can be used when working with large numbers. Introduce base 10 powers: 10^1 = 10 10^2= 100 etc. Model several examples. Have two students stand in front of the class holding a 1 and 0 making the number ten. Then ask students if they had 10^3, what number would it be? Have students answer and then call on students to come up front and make the number. Continue with this type of questioning.
Additional Questions: How can students model numbers with base ten?
Supplemental Activity: Have students work with base ten blocks and show models of numbers created when working with base ten powers.