Scripture: Numbers 21
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn that although God is very patient with us, eventually He can grow weary of our rebellion.
- Students will learn there are sometimes earthly consequences for our sins.
- Students will learn when Christians repent, God forgives our sins, but He may or may not remove any earthly consequences.
- Students will learn words associated with pests.
Guiding Question: What are the English words for various pests?
Materials: Pictures of different pests with captions, props for skit
Procedure: Review the story of the bronze serpent with the students. Point out that had the people trusted God and not complained about what He was asking them to do, God probably would not have sent the snakes to punish them. Even when He did though, He gave them a way to be healed by looking to God (who supplied the bronze serpent cure) for the answer to their problems. Remind students there are consequences for our sins that can affect us and even other people. Even when we repent, we may still have to deal with negative consequences. God can still forgive us but we still may have consequences to learn the lesson from our sins.
Introduce the activity. Review with the students words for pests like snakes, mosquitoes, bed bugs with pictures and words under the picture for each pest. Explain the role of an extermination company and why their job is important. Have the students create a pretend extermination company and take turns being clients and exterminators dealing with various pests to practice vocabulary.
Additional Questions: How can students apply their knowledge about different pests?
Supplemental Activity: Place pictures of different pests around the room and have students go on a “pest hunt” to identify different pests after reviewing them.