Scripture: Luke 10:25-37
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn God expects us to help those we see who need help.
- Students will learn everyone is worthy of our help, whether we like them or not.
- Students will learn God expects us to have a generous and serving heart.
- Students will learn how to count coins and add money.
Guiding Question: How can students learn to use money and add money?
Materials: Pretend money, paper, pencils
Procedure: Review the story of the Good Samaritan especially focusing on how the attack of the Samaritan was uncalled for and how he could have been helped. Ask the students how it was a godly act for the person to stop and help him? When are times in our lives when we can show godly attitudes when helping others? Explain that God values a heart that shows kindness and love while serving others. We should love and help others the way we would want them to do for us.
Introduce the activity. Remind the students that the Good Samaritan left money for the innkeeper. Give the students pretend money and have them practice counting and adding money.
Additional Questions: How can students show amounts of money in various ways?
Supplemental Activity: Give the students different amounts of money such as $0.55, $0.27, $0.86, $1.13, $3.64, etc. Have the students show two different ways to make that amount of money with their pretend coins and bills.