Scripture: Matthew 8:1-4 and 9:1-2, Mark 1:40-45 and 2:1-5 and Luke 5:12-20
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn Jesus thought it was important to take regular breaks in his ministry to be alone and pray.
- Students will learn Jesus respected the faith of the men who loved their friend enough to do anything to get him to Jesus.
- Students will learn Jesus thinks having our sins forgiven is more important than healing someone of an illness.
- Students will learn about the nervous system and how it functions.
Guiding Question: How does caring for others serve God?
Materials: Resources from Procedure section, pictures of the nervous system
Procedure: Review the story of the Leper and the Paralytic from the scripture above. Explain to the students that Jesus found it important to help heal people but most importantly to forgive our sins. Ask the students how Jesus healing people would have helped them want to know and follow Jesus. Ask the students in what ways they could provide medical care for others in a way that would also share God’s love with them and lead them to want to know more about God.
Introduce the activity. Explain what the nervous system is and how it affects our body. Use child appropriate pictures to show students different parts of the nervous system. Explain what kind of illnesses can happen that affects the nervous system and the results of that on our body. Depending on the age of the students, you can pick a resource to use from the following link to support students in their understanding:
Additional Questions: What are the functions of the nervous system?
Supplemental Activity: Put students into groups and have them research the basic parts of the nervous system. On large construction paper or poster board, have them draw an outline of the human body/nervous system and label different parts of the nervous system/their functions.