The Sermon on the Mount

Scripture: Matthew 5:1-7:29, Luke 6:20-49

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will learn God about our heart.
  • Students will learn actions that appear good cannot cover a heart that is sinful.
  • Students will learn although God forgives us of our sins, He expects a higher standard of behavior from us than the world does.

Interesting Facts:

  • No one knows for certain the location of the Sermon on the Mount, although a spot has been identified as such by locals.
  • This was not a sermon in the modern sense of the word. Jesus would have sat talking with his Apostles and the others following him could hear what he said.

Bible Lesson


Service Project




  • Basic Literacy
    • coming soon!
  • Advanced Literacy
    • coming soon!



  • coming soon!


  • coming soon!

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