Scripture: Joshua 10-11, 18
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn God keeps His promises.
- Students will learn partial obedience to God is not obedience and can bring consequences.
- Students will learn the choices people make can affect future generations.
- Students will learn how to make natural sunscreen
Guiding Question: Why does God perform miracles?
Materials: Use the materials from the link in the Procedure section
Procedure: Review the story of Joshua and the day the sun stood still with students. Talk about the miracle involved. Explain that God uses miracles to remind people He is God and can control anything – including the sun. Remind students to trust that God can perform miracles in any situation that seems impossible if it is in His will.
Introduce the activity. Ask students if they know how sunscreen is made? Bring different sunscreens for students to look at and find similarities/differences in sunscreens. Tell students they are going to create their own healthy and natural sunscreen! Follow the directions from the link:
Additional Questions: How can we tell that sunscreen protects us?
Supplemental Activity: Follow the experiment from the link: