Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn even Jesus was tempted by Satan.
- Students will learn that just like Jesus ignored Satan when he quoted from the Bible, we must learn some people use scripture out of context to tempt us to disobey God.
- Students will learn quoting scripture, praying and fleeing the temptation are ways we too can avoid sinning when tempted.
- Students will learn how new vocabulary related to different types of environments in nature.
Guiding Question: How can students learn to use vocabulary about different environments?
Materials: Photos of various types of environments with labels, paper, drawing utensils
Procedure: Review the story of the temptation of Jesus. Ask the students what are some of the things Jesus did to keep from sinning even though he was tempted. Remind students that even though we may not feel like it at the time, we ALWAYS have a choice when faced with temptation whether we will follow what God tells us to do or whether we will sin. We can turn to God through prayer or the Bible for strength and advice for how to avoid temptation. God gives us clear rules and words of support in the Bible. Through prayer, we can talk to God about how we are feeling and talk to Him about what we should do to avoid temptation.
Introduce the activity. Show the students photos of various types of environments – review or teach corresponding words like desert, woodlands, river, etc. Have students draw and label the environment surrounding where they currently live.
Additional Questions: How can students learn vocabulary about animals specific to an environment?
Supplemental Activity: Have the students pick a type of environment and learn about the animals that live in that specific environment. The students can share their findings with the class – be sure students are using appropriate vocabulary.