Activities for Kids Who Have to Miss Bible Class

Activities for Kids Who Have to Miss Bible Class - Teach One Reach One


It snowed here last weekend, and our church decided to cancel service and classes. The next two weeks we are having special services with no Bible classes because of the holidays. Add in illnesses and family vacations and your students may miss multiple Bible classes over the course of a year.

Last week in our post, we talked about the best way to provide suggestions for activities families can do at home. Some of you may still be wondering what kinds of things you can suggest. The list below isn’t exhaustive, but should give you a few ideas to get you started.

  • Searching for God Treasure Hunt. Suggest families see how many things they can find that remind them of God. The person finding something must explain why that particular item reminds them of God. Depending on why they aren’t at church, you might suggest they look while taking a walk outdoors or around their house – even out of a bedroom window.
  • Family Devotionals. There are so many sources for great, short family devotionals. Send families the link or give them the information. (Please make sure you are honoring the author’s copyright requests. Some will allow you to make copies for others for ministry purposes.)
  • Teach One Reach One Activity Ideas. Our website has tons of great free hands-on activities that tie Bible stories in meaningful ways to all sorts of fun things to do. Suggest a couple of specific ones and send a link.
  • Send Links to Great Bible Videos. There is so much free content online your families can enjoy together. Do a search and send links, but make sure you watch the entire thing before suggesting it to parents!

Don’t let missed class time mean your students are losing out on opportunities to learn more about God. Giving their parents the tools to help them teach their kids about God at home, will increase the amount of exposure your students have to God. It’s worth the extra time and effort on your part.

Categories Elementary, Faith Based Academic Program, Ministering to Student Families, Preschool, Special Needs, Teens
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