Scripture: I Samuel 29-30
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn even if we do everything we are supposed to do, some people will not like or trust us.
- Students will learn it is important to stop and help those we meet who are in need.
- Students will learn it is godly to be generous.
Interesting Facts:
- It is interesting David now took refuge with and was willing to help the Philistines who had previously been his enemies.
- By sending gifts to all of the towns who had helped him and his men, David was thanking them and perhaps reinforcing their support before he took the throne.
Bible Lesson
- coming soon!
Service Project
- coming soon!
- coming soon!
- Basic Literacy
- coming soon!
- Advanced Literacy
- Basic Literacy
- coming soon!
- Advanced Literacy
- coming soon!
- coming soon!
- coming soon!
- coming soon!