Teaching Christian Teens How to Share Their Faith ( Part 5)

Teaching Christian Teens How To Share Their Faith - Teach One Reach OneIf you have been following this series with your students, they should now be ready to tackle an actual Bible study with someone. Teach One Reach One has a free baptism study with a leader guide to help them step by step along the way.

Even though they have all of the tools to study the Bible with someone, your students will still be nervous. Take the leaders guide and discuss it in class. Have them pair up and practice the lessons on each other. Have the person playing the student ask the types of questions they think someone might ask. Have students research answers to the questions that stumped them and share the answers with each other.

There are two really good reasons to take the time to go through the study with your students. First, the more they practice, the more comfortable they will feel when they are studying with someone. Secondly, you may find one or more of your students will learn from the study something they themselves need to do to make their lives right with God. This is a non-threatening way to have the discussions they need to have in order to grow spiritually.

Be prepared though. As you go through this series with your students, you may find the need to take a break every now and then to cover a gap in their spiritual education. Often we assume because teens grew up in a Christian home and attended Church regularly, they automatically know what they are supposed to do in life. With some kids, that will be true. Many others though, have large gaps in the Bible knowledge and comprehension you should be able to expect from a teen raised in a Christian home.

Taking the time to teach your students how to share their faith will not only help them spread the Gospel, but also grow spiritually themselves. It’s definitely worth taking as many weeks as they need to thoroughly understand everything.

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