Weekly Christian Volunteer Challenges #19

We have actually had some Fall weather here this week. How was your week? Been to busy to check our daily challenges? Here’s a recap.

Monday: This tree’s “problem” is pretty obvious. The same can’t always be said of your Bible students. Sometimes even if we think we understand the issues they are facing, we still don’t really know. Taking the time to get your students to open up when they are hurting can make it a lot easier to find ways to minister to them effectively.

Tuesday: Think of your Bible class curriculum as a staircase. What steps does it need to help your students reach the top – an unshakeable faith foundation and reaching their godly potential? Having a plan makes it much more likely your students will make it to the top of the staircase.

Wednesday: Struggling with some aspect of your ministry to kids, teens or their families? Have questions about some aspect of teaching the Bible to young people? Want additional training or need a resource you can’t find on our website? Ask us on this page, use the contact feature on our website….reach out and get the support you need. Your ministry is crucial in the lives of young people and to the health of the church. We would love to help you, but you need to let us know how we can help.

Thursday: Can you imagine what this area would look like in a storm? What would you need to do to protect yourself? Your Bible students will be faced with metaphorical storms in life. They need to know what to do so they can weather those storms. You can help by teaching them the ways they can lean on God during those rough times in life. Looking to God will make them less vulnerable to temptation and despair when their lives aren’t going well. It’s a Christian life skill you can teach them and help them practice.

Friday: Still teaching your Bible class virtually or are Bible classes temporarily cancelled? Making activity bags for your students with lots of fun things they can do alone and with their families to learn about God can help. Some online Bible class teachers are even making weekly deliveries to their students with supplies needed for that week’s Bible class activity. Takes a lot of extra time, effort and sometimes money, but your students will know how much you love them and have activities to do at home that can help them learn more about God.

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