Scripture: Genesis 13-14, 18-19
Learning Objectives:
- Students will review the story of Abraham and Lot.
- Students will learn the Lord visited Abraham.
- Students will learn Abraham offered his visitors food to eat.
- Students will learn feeding people is a way we can show God’s love to those who visit our homes or those who have trouble feeding themselves.
- Students will participate in a service project to feed the hungry.
Guiding Question: How can we help those who have trouble affording enough food to eat?
Materials: non-perishable food
Procedure: Review the story of Abraham and Lot. Explain to students how in the time of Abraham entertaining travelers was very important. Even if you did not know the person, you were expected to offer them food, drink and shelter if necessary. Abraham went above what was expected in what he offered and served his guests. Have students imagine how surprised Abraham must have been when he realized (at least on some level) who he was entertaining. In the Bible there are many commands for us to help feed those who are hungry. Share information about the hunger problem in your area with your students. Have a representative of a local soup kitchen or food bank come share information with your students. Have students plan and execute not only a collection of items the soup kitchen or food bank needs, but also arrange for them to spend time volunteering and getting to know some of the clients and their stories.
Additional Questions:
- What happens in other countries around the world when the poor do not have enough food?
Supplemental Activity: Have more advanced students research how the problem of hunger is handled in other countries around the world. Have them share their findings and what ways they discovered people in your area can become involved in solving world hunger.